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​For loose keys with excessive side-play*:

Key bushing replacement (front or balance rail):                                         $245

Key bushing replacement (front and balance rail):                                      $450

Key bushing reconditioning (front and balance rail):                                  $150

*Only the highest quality felt, imported from Germany, is used. Key pin and capstan polishing/lubricating is included.

Action regulation for grand pianos:

Half-day regulation:                                                                                              $230

  • Best for pianos needing minor touch-up


One-day regulation:                                                                                              $525

  • Best for pianos in good condition


Major action regulation & reconditioning:                                                  $2,100

  • Best for older and/or neglected pianos

Hammer replacement:

This service is intended for those pianos that have excessively worn hammers, overly bright or harsh tone, and/or excessively heavy touch. We use Ronsen hammers exclusively. These boutique quality hammers are crafted in a small town, in New York, near the Catskill Mountains. Unlike virtually every other hammer currently available, Ronsens are made in the pre-World War II style, meaning that they are lighter in weight, less dense, and more mellow; they are an excellent choice for Steinway, Baldwin, and Mason & Hamlin pianos, but also noticeably improve harsh sounding Asian pianos such as Yamaha and Samick. Before committing to replace the hammers on their piano, prospective clients have the opportunity to hear sample replacement hammers in the piano and select the type that most closely matches their tonal preference. All types have quick play-in time and the voicing timbre is very stable, over time.

Three types are available for your consideration:


Ronsen, with felt from the Bacon Felt Co. (USA)

-Very mellow, for smaller pianos and/or small spaces.


Ronsen, with "Weickert Special" felt, from the Wurzen Felt Co. (Germany)

-Mellow, yet versatile. Our first choice for most applications.


Ronsen, with "Wurzen AA" felt, from the Wurzen Felt Co.

-Mellow, with subtle bite. For larger spaces, or those who find the other Ronsen offerings too mellow, but do not like the brighter sound that is typical of Renner or Abel hammers.


All photos and audio © 2012


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